Saint Rita de Casia is one of the most popular saints in the Roman Catholic church. She was born in Roccaporena, 5 km to west of the town of Cascia, in the province of Perugia, Umbria region in Italy in 1381 and died on May 22, 1457. Her name is abbreviation of the name Margherita. Her sacred symbols are the roses and the figs.
Since she was a child, Rita showed interested in offering her life to God. She loved praying and helping others and poor people. She wanted to become a nun. However, per decision and abeyance to her parents Rita got married. Rita’s husband had a difficult character and mood, very violent that continuously assault and humiliated Rita. However, Rita was able to cope with this difficult situation for more than 18 years...not complaining, not even going to the police or the authorities to report her husband...She had 2 sons that inherited their father’s character.
Her husband later changed his character, thanks to Saint Rita’s many prayers. Saint Rita’s husband was murdered and her sons were planning to take revenge of their husband’s dead. She pleaded God to take the lives of their own sons instead of see them in jail because of this revenge they wanted to take...Saint Rita’s sons died from natural causes, this way God listened to Saint Rita’s praying.
Once her husband and her sons died...She wanted to become a nun but the convent only accepted single women. So, she took this time to help people in need, prayers and meditation.At the end and after her perseverance, the Augustinian sisters made an exception and let her in the convent. She devoted her time helping the sick sisters and praying for the conversion of sinners. But there is much more to tell about the life of Saint Rita...may this blog tell you more about the life of Saint Rita to let you understand why it is importance to get to know what she has done during her life.
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